FortiGateのサポート体制充実、初心者でも手軽に導入可能! UTM(統合脅威管理)高速アンチウイルス・ファイアウォール・ゲートウェイ・アプライアンス





ポート番号 tcp/udp サービス 説明
5000 tcp/udp commplex-main  
5001 tcp/udp commplex-link  
5002 tcp/udp rfe radio free ethernet
5003 tcp fmpro-internal FileMaker, Inc. – Proprietary transport
5003 udp fmpro-internal FileMaker, Inc. – Proprietary name binding
5004 tcp/udp avt-profile-1 avt-profile-1
5005 tcp/udp avt-profile-2 avt-profile-2
5010 tcp/udp telelpathstart TelepathStart
5011 tcp/udp telelpathattack TelepathAttack
5020 tcp/udp zenginkyo-1 zenginkyo-1
5021 tcp/udp zenginkyo-2 zenginkyo-2
5050 tcp/udp mmcc multimedia conference control tool
5051 tcp/udp ita-agent ITA Agent
5052 tcp/udp ita-manager ITA Manager
5060 tcp/udp sip SIP
5145 tcp/udp rmonitor_secure  
5150 tcp/udp atmp Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
5190 tcp/udp aol America-Online
5191 tcp/udp aol-1 AmericaOnline1
5192 tcp/udp aol-2 AmericaOnline2
5193 tcp/udp aol-3 AmericaOnline3
5236 tcp/udp padl2sim  
5272 tcp/udp pk PK
5300 tcp/udp hacl-hb HA cluster heartbeat
5301 tcp/udp hacl-gs HA cluster general services
5302 tcp/udp hacl-cfg HA cluster configuration
5303 tcp/udp hacl-probe HA cluster probing
5304 tcp hacl-local HA Cluster Commands
5304 udp hacl-local  
5305 tcp hacl-test HA Cluster Test
5305 udp hacl-test  
5306 tcp/udp sun-mc-grp Sun MC Group
5307 tcp/udp sco-aip SCO AIP
5308 tcp/udp cfengine CFengine
5309 tcp/udp jprinter J Printer
5310 tcp/udp outlaws Outlaws
5311 tcp/udp tmlogin TM Login
5312-5399 tcp/udp # Unassigned
5400 tcp/udp excerpt Excerpt Search
5401 tcp/udp excerpts Excerpt Search Secure
5402 tcp/udp mftp MFTP
5403 tcp/udp hpoms-ci-lstn HPOMS-CI-LSTN
5404 tcp/udp hpoms-dps-lstn HPOMS-DPS-LSTN
5405 tcp/udp netsupport NetSupport
5406 tcp/udp systemics-sox Systemics Sox
5407 tcp/udp foresyte-clear Foresyte-Clear
5408 tcp/udp foresyte-sec Foresyte-Sec
5409 tcp/udp salient-dtasrv Salient Data Server
5410 tcp/udp salient-usrmgr Salient User Manager
5411 tcp/udp actnet ActNet
5412 tcp/udp continuus Continuus
5413 tcp/udp wwiotalk WWIOTALK
5414 tcp/udp statusd StatusD
5415 tcp/udp ns-server NS Server
5416 tcp/udp sns-gateway SNS Gateway
5417 tcp/udp sns-agent SNS Agent
5418 tcp/udp mcntp MCNTP
5419 tcp/udp dj-ice DJ-ICE
5420 tcp/udp cylink-c Cylink-C
5421-5499 tcp/udp # Unassigned
5500 tcp/udp fcp-addr-srvr1 fcp-addr-srvr1
5501 tcp/udp fcp-addr-srvr2 fcp-addr-srvr2
5502 tcp/udp fcp-srvr-inst1 fcp-srvr-inst1
5503 tcp/udp fcp-srvr-inst2 fcp-srvr-inst2
5504 tcp/udp fcp-cics-gw1 fcp-cics-gw1
5504-5554 tcp/udp # Unassigned
5555 tcp/udp personal-agent Personal Agent
5556-5598 tcp/udp # Unassigned
5599 tcp/udp esinstall Enterprise Security Remote Install
5600 tcp/udp esmmanager Enterprise Security Manager
5601 tcp/udp esmagent Enterprise Security Agent
5602 tcp/udp a1-msc A1-MSC
5603 tcp/udp a1-bs A1-BS
5604 tcp/udp a3-sdunode A3-SDUNode
5605 tcp/udp a4-sdunode A4-SDUNode
5631 tcp/udp pcanywheredata pcANYWHEREdata
5632 tcp/udp pcanywherestat pcANYWHEREstat
5678 tcp/udp rrac Remote Replication Agent Connection
5679 tcp/udp dccm Direct Cable Connect Manager
5713 tcp/udp proshareaudio proshare conf audio
5714 tcp/udp prosharevideo proshare conf video
5715 tcp/udp prosharedata proshare conf data
5716 tcp/udp prosharerequest proshare conf request
5717 tcp/udp prosharenotify proshare conf notify
5729 tcp/udp openmail Openmail User Agent Layer
5741 tcp/udp ida-discover1 IDA Discover Port 1
5742 tcp/udp ida-discover2 IDA Discover Port 2
5745 tcp/udp fcopy-server fcopy-server
5746 tcp/udp fcopys-server fcopys-server
5755 tcp/udp openmailg OpenMail Desk Gateway server
5757 tcp/udp x500ms OpenMail X.500 Directory Server
5766 tcp/udp openmailns OpenMail NewMail Server
5767 tcp/udp s-openmail OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure)
5768 tcp/udp openmailpxy OpenMail CMTS Server
6000-6063 tcp/udp x11 X Window System
6110 tcp/udp softcm HP SoftBench CM
6111 tcp/udp spc HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
6112 tcp/udp dtspcd dtspcd
6123 tcp/udp backup-express Backup Express
6141 tcp/udp meta-corp Meta Corporation License Manager
6142 tcp/udp aspentec-lm Aspen Technology License Manager
6143 tcp/udp watershed-lm Watershed License Manager
6144 tcp/udp statsci1-lm StatSci License Manager – 1
6145 tcp/udp statsci2-lm StatSci License Manager – 2
6146 tcp/udp lonewolf-lm Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
6147 tcp/udp montage-lm Montage License Manager
6148 tcp/udp ricardo-lm Ricardo North America License Manager
6149 tcp/udp tal-pod tal-pod
6253 tcp/udp crip CRIP
6389 tcp/udp clariion-evr01 clariion-evr01
6455 tcp skip-cert-recv SKIP Certificate Receive
6456 tcp skip-cert-send SKIP Certificate Send
6471 tcp/udp lvision-lm LVision License Manager
6472-6499 tcp/udp # Unassigned
6500 tcp/udp boks BoKS Master
6501 tcp/udp boks_servc BoKS Servc
6502 tcp/udp boks_servm BoKS Servm
6503 tcp/udp boks_clntd BoKS Clntd
6504 tcp/udp # Unassigned
6505 tcp/udp badm_priv BoKS Admin Private Port
6506 tcp/udp badm_pub BoKS Admin Public Port
6507 tcp/udp bdir_priv BoKS Dir Server, Private Port
6508 tcp/udp bdir_pub BoKS Dir Server, Public Port
6509-6557 tcp/udp # Unassigned
6558 tcp/udp xdsxdm  
6665-6669 tcp/udp ircu IRCU
6670 tcp/udp vocaltec-gold Vocaltec Global Online Directory
6672 tcp/udp vision_server vision_server
6673 tcp/udp vision_elmd vision_elmd
6831 tcp/udp ambit-lm ambit-lm
6969 tcp/udp acmsoda acmsoda
7000 tcp/udp afs3-fileserver file server itself
7001 tcp/udp afs3-callback callbacks to cache managers
7002 tcp/udp afs3-prserver users & groups database
7003 tcp/udp afs3-vlserver volume location database
7004 tcp/udp afs3-kaserver AFS/Kerberos authentication service
7005 tcp/udp afs3-volser volume managment server
7006 tcp/udp afs3-errors error interpretation service
7007 tcp/udp afs3-bos basic overseer process
7008 tcp/udp afs3-update server-to-server updater
7009 tcp/udp afs3-rmtsys remote cache manager service
7010 tcp/udp ups-onlinet onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
7020 tcp/udp dpserve DP Serve
7021 tcp/udp dpserveadmin DP Serve Admin
7099 tcp/udp lazy-ptop lazy-ptop
7100 tcp/udp font-service X Font Service
7121 tcp/udp virprot-lm Virtual Prototypes License Manager
7174 tcp/udp clutild Clutild
7200 tcp/udp fodms FODMS FLIP
7201 tcp/udp dlip DLIP
7395 tcp/udp winqedit winqedit
7426 tcp/udp pmdmgr OpenView DM Postmaster Manager
7427 tcp/udp oveadmgr OpenView DM Event Agent Manager
7428 tcp/udp ovladmgr OpenView DM Log Agent Manager
7429 tcp/udp opi-sock OpenView DM rqt communication
7430 tcp/udp xmpv7 OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe
7431 tcp/udp pmd OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe
7491 tcp/udp telops-lmd telops-lmd
7511 tcp/udp pafec-lm pafec-lm
7544 tcp/udp nta-ds FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer
7545 tcp/udp nta-us FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer
7570 tcp/udp aries-kfinder Aries Kfinder
7777 tcp/udp cbt cbt
7781 tcp/udp accu-lmgr accu-lmgr
7932 tcp/udp t2-drm Tier 2 Data Resource Manager
7933 tcp/udp t2-brm Tier 2 Business Rules Manager
7980 tcp/udp quest-vista Quest Vista
7999 tcp/udp irdmi2 iRDMI2
8000 tcp/udp irdmi iRDMI
8001 tcp/udp vcom-tunnel VCOM Tunnel
8008 tcp/udp http-alt HTTP Alternate
8032 tcp/udp pro-ed ProEd
8033 tcp/udp mindprint MindPrint
8080 tcp/udp http-alt HTTP Alternate (see port 80)
8376 tcp/udp cruise-enum Cruise ENUM
8377 tcp/udp cruise-swroute Cruise SWROUTE
8378 tcp/udp cruise-config Cruise CONFIG
8379 tcp/udp cruise-diags Cruise DIAGS
8380 tcp/udp cruise-update Cruise UPDATE
8400 tcp/udp cvd cvd
8401 tcp/udp sabarsd sabarsd
8402 tcp/udp abarsd abarsd
8403 tcp/udp admind admind
8450 tcp/udp npmp npmp
8473 tcp vp2p Vitual Point to Point
8473 udp vp2p itual Point to Point
8554 tcp/udp rtsp-alt RTSP Alternate (see port 554)
8765 tcp/udp ultraseek-http Ultraseek HTTP
8880 tcp/udp cddbp-alt CDDBP
8888 tcp ddi-tcp-1 NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1)
8888 udp ddi-udp-1 NewsEDGE server UDP (UDP 1)
8889 tcp ddi-tcp-2 Desktop Data TCP 1
8889 udp ddi-udp-2 NewsEDGE server broadcast
8890 tcp ddi-tcp-3 Desktop Data TCP 2
8890 udp ddi-udp-3 NewsEDGE client broadcast
8891 tcp ddi-tcp-4 Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application
8891 udp ddi-udp-4 Desktop Data UDP 3: NESS application
8892 tcp ddi-tcp-5 Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product
8892 udp ddi-udp-5 Desktop Data UDP 4: FARM product
8893 tcp ddi-tcp-6 Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application
8893 udp ddi-udp-6 Desktop Data UDP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application
8894 tcp ddi-tcp-7 Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application
8894 udp ddi-udp-7 Desktop Data UDP 6: COAL application
9000 tcp/udp cslistener CSlistener
9006 tcp/udp sctp SCTP
9090 tcp/udp websm WebSM
9535 tcp/udp man  
9594 tcp/udp msgsys Message System
9595 tcp/udp pds Ping Discovery Service
9876 tcp/udp sd Session Director
9888 tcp/udp cyborg-systems CYBORG Systems
9898 tcp/udp monkeycom MonkeyCom
9899-9991 tcp/udp # Unassigned
9992 tcp/udp palace Palace
9993 tcp/udp palace Palace
9994 tcp/udp palace Palace
9995 tcp/udp palace Palace
9996 tcp/udp palace Palace
9997 tcp/udp palace Palace
9998 tcp/udp distinct32 Distinct32
9999 tcp/udp distinct distinct

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【北海道・東北】北海道 / 青森 / 岩手 / 宮城 / 秋田 / 山形 / 福島

【関東】東京 / 神奈川 / 埼玉 / 千葉 / 茨城 / 栃木 / 群馬

【東海】岐阜 / 静岡 / 愛知 / 三重

【四国】徳島 / 香川 / 愛媛 / 高知

【近畿圏】大阪 / 兵庫 / 奈良 / 京都 / 滋賀 / 和歌山

【北陸・甲信越】富山 / 石川 / 福井 / 新潟 / 長野 / 山梨

【中国】鳥取 / 島根 / 岡山 / 広島 / 山口

【九州・沖縄】福岡 / 佐賀 / 長崎 / 熊本 / 大分 / 宮崎 / 鹿児島 / 沖縄



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