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ポート番号 tcp/udp サービス 説明
3300 tcp/udp bmcpatrolagent BMC Patrol Agent
3301 tcp/udp bmcpatrolrnvu BMC Patrol Rendezvous
3302 tcp/udp mcs-fastmail MCS Fastmail
3303 tcp/udp opsession-clnt OP Session Client
3304 tcp/udp opsession-srvr OP Session Server
3305 tcp/udp odette-ftp ODETTE-FTP
3306 tcp/udp mysql MySQL
3307 tcp/udp opsession-prxy OP Session Proxy
3308 tcp/udp tns-server TNS Server
3309 tcp tns-adv TNS ADV
3309 udp tns-adv TND ADV
3310 tcp/udp dyna-access Dyna Access
3311 tcp/udp mcns-tel-ret MCNS Tel Ret
3312 tcp/udp appman-server Application Management Server
3313 tcp/udp uorb Unify Object Broker
3314 tcp/udp uohost Unify Object Host
3315 tcp/udp cdid CDID
3316 tcp/udp aicc-cmi AICC/CMI
3317 tcp/udp vsaiport VSAI PORT
3318 tcp/udp ssrip Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
3319 tcp/udp sdt-lmd SDT License Manager
3320 tcp/udp officelink2000 Office Link 2000
3321 tcp/udp vnsstr VNSSTR
3322-3325 tcp/udp active-net Active Networks
3326 tcp/udp sftu SFTU
3327 tcp/udp bbars BBARS
3328 tcp/udp egptlm Eaglepoint License Manager
3329 tcp/udp hp-device-disc HP Device Disc
3330 tcp/udp mcs-calypsoicf MCS Calypso ICF
3331 tcp/udp mcs-messaging MCS Messaging
3332 tcp/udp mcs-mailsvr MCS Mail Server
3333 tcp/udp dec-notes DEC Notes
3334 tcp/udp directv-web Direct TV Webcasting
3335 tcp/udp directv-soft Direct TV Software Updates
3336 tcp/udp directv-tick Direct TV Tickers
3337 tcp/udp directv-catlg Direct TV Data Catalog
3338 tcp/udp anet-b OMF data b
3339 tcp/udp anet-l OMF data l
3340 tcp/udp anet-m OMF data m
3341 tcp/udp anet-h OMF data h
3342 tcp/udp webtie WebTIE
3343 tcp/udp ms-cluster-net MS Cluster Net
3344 tcp/udp bnt-manager BNT Manager
3345 tcp/udp influence Influence
3346 tcp/udp trnsprntproxy Trnsprnt Proxy
3347 tcp/udp phoenix-rpc Phoenix RPC
3348 tcp/udp pangolin-laser Pangolin Laser
3349 tcp/udp chevinservices Chevin Services
3350 tcp/udp findviatv FINDVIATV
3351 tcp/udp btrieve BTRIEVE
3352 tcp/udp ssql SSQL
3353 tcp/udp fatpipe FATPIPE
3354 tcp/udp suitjd SUITJD
3355 tcp/udp ordinox-dbase Ordinox Dbase
3356 tcp/udp upnotifyps UPNOTIFYPS
3357 tcp/udp adtech-test Adtech Test IP
3358 tcp/udp mpsysrmsvr Mp Sys Rmsvr
3359 tcp/udp wg-netforce WG NetForce
3360 tcp/udp kv-server KV Server
3361 tcp/udp kv-agent KV Agent
3362 tcp/udp dj-ilm DJ ILM
3363 tcp/udp nati-vi-server NATI Vi Server
3364 tcp/udp creativeserver Creative Server
3365 tcp/udp contentserver Content Server
3366 tcp/udp creativepartnr Creative Partner
3367-3371 tcp/udp satvid-datalnk Satellite Video Data Link
3372 tcp/udp tip2 TIP 2
3373 tcp/udp lavenir-lm Lavenir License Manager
3374 tcp/udp cluster-disc Cluster Disc
3375 tcp/udp vsnm-agent VSNM Agent
3376 tcp cdborker CD Broker
3376 udp cdbroker CD Broker
3377 tcp/udp cogsys-lm Cogsys Network License Manager
3378 tcp/udp wsicopy WSICOPY
3379 tcp/udp socorfs SOCORFS
3380 tcp/udp sns-channels SNS Channels
3381 tcp/udp geneous Geneous
3382 tcp/udp fujitsu-neat Fujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function
3383 tcp/udp esp-lm Enterprise Software Products License Manager
3384 tcp hp-clic Cluster Management Services
3384 udp hp-clic Hardware Management
3385 tcp/udp qnxnetman qnxnetman
3386 tcp gprs-data GPRS Data
3386 udp gprs-sig GPRS SIG
3387 tcp/udp backroomnet Back Room Net
3388 tcp/udp cbserver CB Server
3389 tcp/udp ms-wbt-server MS WBT Server(ターミナルサービス/リモートデスクトップ)
3390 tcp/udp dsc Distributed Service Coordinator
3391 tcp/udp savant SAVANT
3392 tcp/udp efi-lm EFI License Management
3393 tcp/udp d2k-tapestry1 D2K Tapestry Client to Server
3394 tcp/udp d2k-tapestry2 D2K Tapestry Server to Server
3395 tcp/udp dyna-lm Dyna License Manager (Elam)
3396 tcp/udp printer_agent Printer Agent
3397 tcp/udp cloanto-lm Cloanto License Manager
3398 tcp/udp mercantile Mercantile
3399-3420 tcp/udp # Unassigned
3421 tcp/udp bmap Bull Apprise portmapper
3454 tcp mira Apple Remote Access Protocol
3455 tcp/udp prsvp RSVP Port
3456 tcp/udp vat VAT default data
3457 tcp/udp vat-control VAT default control
3458 tcp d3winosfi D3WinOsfi
3458 udp d3winosfi DsWinOSFI
3459 tcp/udp integral Integral
3460 tcp/udp edm-manager EDM Manger
3461 tcp/udp edm-stager EDM Stager
3462 tcp/udp edm-std-notify EDM STD Notify
3463 tcp/udp edm-adm-notify EDM ADM Notify
3464 tcp/udp edm-mgr-sync EDM MGR Sync
3465 tcp/udp edm-mgr-cntrl EDM MGR Cntrl
3466 tcp/udp workflow WORKFLOW
3467-3562 tcp/udp # Unassigned
3563 tcp/udp watcomdebug Watcom Debug
3564-3899 tcp/udp # Unassigned
3900 tcp/udp udt_os Unidata UDT OS
3984 tcp/udp mapper-nodemgr MAPPER network node manager
3985 tcp/udp mapper-mapethd MAPPER TCP/IP server
3986 tcp/udp mapper-ws_ethd MAPPER workstation server
3987 tcp/udp centerline Centerline
3988-3999 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4000 tcp/udp terabase Terabase
4001 tcp/udp newoak NewOak
4008 tcp/udp netcheque NetCheque accounting
4009 tcp/udp chimera-hwm Chimera HWM
4010 tcp/udp samsung-unidex Samsung Unidex
4011 tcp/udp altserviceboot Alternate Service Boot
4012 tcp/udp pda-gate PDA Gate
4013 tcp/udp acl-manager ACL Manager
4014 tcp/udp taiclock TAICLOCK
4015-4095 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4096 tcp/udp bre BRE (Bridge Relay Element)
4097-4131 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4132 tcp/udp nuts_dem NUTS Daemon
4133 tcp/udp nuts_bootp NUTS Bootp Server
4134 tcp/udp nifty-hmi NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol
4141 tcp/udp oirtgsvc Workflow Server
4142 tcp/udp oidocsvc Document Server
4143 tcp/udp oidsr Document Replication
4144-4199 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4200-4299 tcp/udp vrml-multi-use VRML Multi User Systems
4300 tcp/udp corelccam Corel CCam
4301-4320 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4321 tcp/udp rwhois Remote Who Is
4343 tcp/udp unicall UNICALL
4344 tcp/udp vinainstall VinaInstall
4345 tcp/udp m4-network-as Macro 4 Network AS
4346 tcp/udp elanlm ELAN LM
4347 tcp/udp lansurveyor LAN Surveyor
4348 tcp/udp itose ITOSE
4349 tcp/udp fsportmap File System Port Map
4350 tcp/udp net-device Net Device
4351 tcp/udp plcy-net-svcs PLCY Net Services
4352-4443 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4444 udp krb524 KRB524
4444 tcp/udp nv-video NV Video default
4445 tcp/udp upnotifyp UPNOTIFYP
4446 tcp/udp n1-fwp N1-FWP
4447 tcp/udp n1-rmgmt N1-RMGMT
4448 tcp/udp asc-slmd ASC Licence Manager
4449 tcp/udp privatewire PrivateWire
4450 tcp/udp camp Camp
4451 tcp/udp ctisystemmsg CTI System Msg
4452 tcp/udp ctiprogramload CTI Program Load
4453 tcp/udp nssalertmgr NSS Alert Manager
4454 tcp/udp nssagentmgr NSS Agent Manager
4455 tcp/udp prchat-user PR Chat User
4456 tcp/udp prchat-server PR Chat Server
4457 tcp/udp prRegister PR Register
4458-4499 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4500 tcp/udp sae-urn sae-urn
4501 tcp/udp urn-x-cdchoice urn-x-cdchoice
4545 tcp/udp highscore Highscore
4546 tcp/udp sf-lm SF License Manager (Sentinel)
4547 tcp/udp lanner-lm Lanner License Manager
4548-4671 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4672 tcp/udp rfa remote file access server
4673-4826 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4827 tcp/udp htcp HTCP
4828-4867 tcp/udp # Unassigned
4868 tcp/udp phrelay Photon Relay
4869 tcp/udp phrelaydbg Photon Relay Debug

ご要望に沿った製品提案をします。まずはご相談ください。 TEL 0120-877-071 平日 9:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00












【北海道・東北】北海道 / 青森 / 岩手 / 宮城 / 秋田 / 山形 / 福島

【関東】東京 / 神奈川 / 埼玉 / 千葉 / 茨城 / 栃木 / 群馬

【東海】岐阜 / 静岡 / 愛知 / 三重

【四国】徳島 / 香川 / 愛媛 / 高知

【近畿圏】大阪 / 兵庫 / 奈良 / 京都 / 滋賀 / 和歌山

【北陸・甲信越】富山 / 石川 / 福井 / 新潟 / 長野 / 山梨

【中国】鳥取 / 島根 / 岡山 / 広島 / 山口

【九州・沖縄】福岡 / 佐賀 / 長崎 / 熊本 / 大分 / 宮崎 / 鹿児島 / 沖縄



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